Portrait Publishing Apps

Companions of Prophet Story 3 2.0
Wonderful illustrated Story titled asCompanions of PROPHET MUHAMMAD (s.a.w.) Abdullah-Ibn-HudhafahAs-Sahmi(r.a.).Snippet from the StoryAbdullah-Ibn-Hudhafah(r.a.) was chosen to take the Prophet (s.a.w.)letter to the Persian ruler Khusraw Parvez. So Abdullah(r.a.) setout leaving his wife and son behind. On reaching the land he metthe Persian King Khusraw and Handed him the letter. After readingthe letter King was anger as the Prophet(s.a.w.) had not given himprecedence in the letter and his name was mentioned after Allah (s.w.t.) and Prophet Muhummad (s.a.w.). He ordered Abdullah(r.a.) tobe expelled from his court. Abdullah(r.a.) was very upset after thePersian ruler had disrespected the letter.Download it and read this interesting Story from the Companionsof Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.). This story is easy to navigate, its a3d flipping book with arrows at the bottom to navigate and you canalso do a search.
Companions of the Prophet 29 4.0
Hudhayfah(r.a.) ibn al-Yaman(r.a.) was fromMakkah but grew up in Yathrib. From very early in his life he hasheard so much good about the Prophet(s.a.w), that he clearly wantedto meet him. When he did get a chance to meet Prophet( s.a.w.) hebecame very close to him.About the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SeriesApplicationThis is an easy to Navigate 3d Flipping book Androidapplication, Islamic children love these stories which arecarefully narrated with beautiful and meaningful illustrations.
Pre School Series Numbers 1.0
Illustrated Ebooks exclusively for children,this Ebook is from a Pre School Series Collection - The Numbers,illustrated Numbers which will make the children easily learn aboutthe Numbers.
Stories from the Quran 9 2.0
This application is an Ebook application,StoryName : The Stories from the Quran Prophet Yunus[A.S].Illustrated Quran stories especially for children to learn, its aflip book application and it is easy for children to learn thestories from Quran.
Stories from the Quran 2 Free 4.0
The birth of a great prophet is part of aseries of children’s Islamic books from Portrait Publishing. It isa story of Ibrahim(a.s.) and his strong belief in Allah(s.w.t.) andhis teachings and how he fought against the tyranny of King Nimrod.The book is simple and informative and colourful for children toread.
Stories from the Quran 10 2.0
This application is an Ebook application,StoryName : The Stories from the Quran Prophet Yusuf[A.S] and hisBrothers. Illustrated Quran stories especially for children tolearn, its a flip book application and it is easy for children tolearn the stories from Quran.
Stories from Indian Mythology6 1.0
This is a Children's Book app containing fourstories about Indian Mythological Legends.This illustrated Ebook covers the story of Ganesha.These beautifully illustrated short stories would bring delight toany child.These are a must for children whose parents want to bring up theirchildren withthe knowledge of Indian Mythology.
Great Personalities - Jesus 1.0
This illustrated Ebook covers the story ofJesus Christ. Every children has to learn about these GreatPersonalities. Really worth to buy.
Famous Fables Stories 8 1.0
Famous Fables from Across India Series , thisis an wonderful illustrated Ebook Application , this Ebook Appcontains four Storiesthe story is about "WHICH WAY TO GO?". This is a PremiumIllustrated Ebook Android application exclusively forChildren.
Great Personalities - Mahavir 1.0
This illustrated Ebook covers the story ofMahavira. Every children has to learn about these GreatPersonalities. Really worth to buy.
Great Personalities - Buddha 1.0
This illustrated Ebook covers the story ofBuddha. Every children has to learn about these GreatPersonalities. Really worth to buy.
Great Personalities - Gandhi 1.0
This illustrated Ebook covers the story ofMahatma Gandhi . Every children has to learn about these GreatPersonalities. Really worth to buy.
Great Personalities - Nehru 1.0
This illustrated Ebook covers the story ofJawaharlal Nehru. Every children has to learn about these GreatPersonalities. Really worth to buy.
Stories from the Quran 8 2.0
This application is an Ebook application,StoryName : The Stories from the Quran Prophet NUH[A.S] and theARK. Illustrated Quran stories especially for children to learn,its a flip book application and it is easy for children to learnthe stories from Quran.
Inspirational Islamic Stories1 5.0
Wonderfully Illustrated Collection ofInspirational Islamic Stories Series. Children will definitely loveour Islamic stories, and moreover.
Great Personalities Guru Nanak 1.0
This illustrated Ebook covers the story ofGuru Nanak. Every children has to learn about these GreatPersonalities. Really worth to buy.
Read Aloud Indian Mythology 5 2.0
Indian Mythology Series -Surya's story is one of the popular stories of Indian Mythology,the Sun God Story, children really love these illustrated IndianMythological stories,we have taken efforts to make this story asreal as possible by introducing Read a Loud Voice to the story withbackground effects. Download this premium Android application foryour children. Definitely they will enjoy and learn the storyfast.
Stories from Indian Mythology4 1.0
This is a Children's Book app containing fourstories about Indian Mythological Legends.This illustrated Ebook covers the story of Surya.These beautifully illustrated short stories would bring delight toany child.These are a must for children whose parents want to bring up theirchildren with the knowledge of Indian Mythology.
Stories from Indian Mythology8 2.0
This is a Children's Book app containing fourstories about Indian Mythological Legends.This illustrated Ebook covers the story of Karna.These beautifully illustrated short stories would bring delight toany child.These are a must for children whose parents want to bring up theirchildren withthe knowledge of Indian Mythology.
Stories Indian Mythology2 1.0
This is a Children's Book app containing fourstories about Indian Mythological Legends.This illustrated Ebook covers the story of Ravana.These beautifully illustrated short stories would bring delight toany child.These are a must for children whose parents want to bring up theirchildren with the knowledge of Indian Mythology.
Simple Words from Quran Book 3 2.0
Simple Words from the Quran is a series ofchildren’s Islamic books from Portrait Publishing. The seriesconsists of 4 books and will help children learn and understandwords which are in both English and Arabic. The words have beenselected from the Quran.
Stories from Indian Mythology7 1.0
This is a Children's Book app containing fourstories about Indian Mythological Legends.This illustrated Ebook covers the story of Hanuman.These beautifully illustrated short stories would bring delight toany child.These are a must for children whose parents want to bring up theirchildren withthe knowledge of Indian Mythology.
Reptiles&Amphibians pre-school 1.0
Wonderful illustrations for Children onReptiles&Amphibians. Kids can easily learn through proper 2dillustrations. Nice ebook for children.
Companions of Prophet story 12 3.0
Wonderful Illustrated stories from Companionsof Prophet Muhammad.
Companions of Prophet Story 6 3.0
Wonderful Illustrated stories titled asCompanions of Prophet Abdullah Ibn- Sallam(r.a.). Its a good storyand it is exclusively for Islamic children to read these storiesand get enlightened with Knowledge. This is narrated with beautifulillustrations that creates immersive story experience.Snippet from the storyAl-Husayn ibn Sallam(r.a.) lived in Yathrib(Madinah). He was aJewish rabbi filled with piety, goodness and truthfulness. He washighly respected by the Jews and Several other people too.Al-Husaynlived a peaceful and organized life. He also devoted his timestudying the Torah.
Companions of the Prophet 27 4.0
This is an interesting story from the SeriesCompanions of the Prophet Muhammad. Exclusively for IslamicChildren with wonderful illustrations, easy to navigate buttons anda search feature that takes you to any page you desire.The story is about Abdullah Ibn Umar(r.a.) who was the son ofUmar(r.a.). It chornicles his journey with the Prophet startingfrom how at the age of thirteen he and Usmah ibn Zayd went to jointhe Prophet(s,a.w,) army, but were sent back by the Prophet(s.a.w)due to their young age.
Companions of Prophet Story 8 3.0
Wonderful Illustrated stories from Companionsof Prophet Muhammad.Abu Ayyub Al Ansari(r.a.). Interesting Storyfor Islamic children to read and get the auspicious knowledge.These stories are narrated carefully with beautiful illustrationscommunicating the story exactly to the Islamic children. UsefulAndroid application to buy and keep this as a knowledge resourcefor your children to read these stories anytime.Snippet from the storyAbu Ayyub was a very close companion of Prophet(s.a.w.). At thetime of Hijra* when the Prophet(s.a.w.) left Makkah, he first wentto Quba, which was in the outskirts of Madinah and built a mosquethere. When the Prophet(s.a.w.) came to Madinah on his camel allthe people were filled with joy and enthusiasm.They wanted to give him the warmest welcome. All the cheftiansstood on the way eagerly hoping that they would have the honour ofthe Prophet(s.a.w.) staying at their house. As the camel passed bythey invited the Prophet(s.a.w.) to stay with them. But the camelkept on moving. Then at the open front space of Abu Ayyub(r.a.)camel hesitated. But the Prophet(s.a.w.) did not get disamount.
Companions of Prophet Story20 1.0
Full Description : This ebook app is an 3dFlipping app explaining about the Wonderful Illustrated storiesfrom Companions of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) An-Numan Ibn(Muqarrin(r.a.)
Companions of the Prophet 28 4.0
Abdullah (r.a.) was dedicated to memorizingthe Quran and would never miss an opportunity to learn from theProphet(s.a.w) .A great story from the Companions of the Prophet Muhammadseries, this application is an eBook 3d Flipping book application,its is easy to read with Navigation buttons at the bottom and youcan also search for words in this application.This application is exclusively built for Islamic Children.
Companions of Prophet Story 4 2.0
This story is narrated by colourfulillustrations especially Islamic Children definitely like thesestories, This app is an Ebook easy to navigate. Children willdefinitely love this story.Snippet of the storyThis is an interesting story from the Companions of Prophet. It wasthe Third Year before Hijra, when Abdullah(r.a.) was born. He wasthe son of Abbas(r.a.), an uncle of the Prophet(s.a.w.) WhenAbdullah(r.a.) was just a baby, his mother took him to be blessedby the Prophet(s.a.w.) This was the start of an Intimaterelationship between Prophet(s.a.w.) and Abdullah(r.a.)
Companions of Prophet story 11 4.0
Wonderful Illustrated stories from Companionsof Prophet Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ibn Al-Harith(r.a.). Interestingstory narrated with attractive illustrations, that help thechildren to get involved with the story. Useful Android applicationand it can be kept as a reference and ask your children to readthese stories anytime.Snippet from the storyAbu Sufyan(r.a.) was a cousin to the Prophet(s.a.w) They grew uptogether and they lived in the same household. They were such closefriends that one might think when the Prophet(s.a.w.) made hispublic call to Islam, Abu Sufyan(r.a.) must have been the first toaccept it. But it was not so , at least not for many years tocome.
Companions of Prophet Story 10 3.0
Wonderful Illustrated stories from Companionsof Prophet. Abu Hurayrah(r.a.). Islamic children will love thesestories, this story is carefully narrated by beautifulillustrations which entices the children to get involved in thisstory. Download this app and keep this as a reference for yourchildren to read these stories anytime.Snippet from the story.Abu Hurayrah(r.a.) belonged to Daws* tribe when the Cheftian of thetribe, Tufayl Abn Amr had become a Muslim and invited others. AbuHurayrah(r.a.) was one of the first accept Islam. AbuHurayrah(r.a.) joined Tufayl when he went to Makkah again and metthe Prophet(s.a.w.)
Simple Words from Quran Book 1 2.0
Simple Words from the Quran is a series ofchildren’s Islamic books from Portrait Publishing. The seriesconsists of 4 books and will help children learn and understandwords which are in both English and Arabic. The words have beenselected from the Quran.
PreSchool Book - Times Table 1.0
Wonderful illustrations for Children on TimesTable. Kids can easily learn through proper 2d illustrations. Niceebook for children.
Stories from the Quran 6 2.0
This application is an Ebook application,StoryName : The Stories from the Quran Prophet ISA[A.S].Illustrated Quran stories especially for children to learn, its aflip book application and it is easy for children to learn thestories from Quran.
Stories from the Quran 3 2.0
This application is an Ebook application,StoryName : The Birth of Prophet MUSA(a.s.) . Illustrated Quranstories especially for children to learn, its a flip bookapplication and it is easy for children to learn the stories fromQuran.
Stories from Quran Series Free 4.0
The book titled ‘Habil and Qabil’ is a storyof two brothers and is part of a series of children’s Islamic booksfrom Portrait Publishing. It is a story of envy and injustice aboutthe two sons of Adam, Habil and Qabil. One of them fights againstthe other and takes his life out of envy. The book is simple andinformative and colourful for children to read.
Companions of the Prophet 22 3.0
Story from Asmaa Bint Abu Bakr(r.a), came froma reputed family, She was the daughter of Abu Bakr(r.a), Quite anInteresting Companions of the Prophet story for Islamic Children,narrated with quality illustrations which help the children tolearn this story easily. This app is an Ebook Flipping Book easy tonavigate with arrows or you can also swipe it with yourfingers.
Jataka Tales - Book 1 (Free) 1.0
Jataka Tales Series Free ebook app,Exclusivefor Children . This Ebook app contains the storyDove and the Crow The Brahmin and the Goat.
Companions of the Prophet 25 3.0
This story is about the Prophet Fatimah(r.a.)who she is the most beloved daughter of the Prophet(s.a.w). She wasthe fifth child of the Prophet(s.a.w.) and Khadija(r.a.). OnceFatimah(r.a.) was only ten years old, she went with Prophet(s.a.w.)to Masjid -al- Haram.Read the story by downloading this eBook application which isnarrated by quality illustration pictures. This Android app is easyto navigate and can be easily accessed by all Islamic Childrenaround the world.
Fish & Sea Creatures Preschool 1.0
Wonderful illustrations for Children on Fish& Sea Creatures. Kids can easily learn through proper 2dillustrations. Nice ebook for children.
Stories from Indian Mythology5 1.0
This is a Children's Book app containing fourstories about Indian Mythological Legends. This illustrated Ebookcovers the story of Arjuna.These beautifully illustrated short stories would bring delight toany child.These are a must for children whose parents want to bring up theirchildren withthe knowledge of Indian Mythology.
Jataka Tales - Book 4 1.0
The Jackal and the She GoatThe Rabbit and the coconut
Raman of Tenali 4 1.0
Tenali Raman Stories are the best stories forchildren, this ebook is wonderfully illustrated those stories ofTenali Raman.This illustrated Ebook covers the story of The Fool is saved andThe Beggar.
Cursive Writing Small abc 1.0
Kids Learn How to Write Cursive with this appwhich help you to write Small abc
Preschool Board Solar System 1.0
Wonderful illustrations for Children on SolarSystem. Kids can easily learn through proper 2d illustrations. Niceebook for children.
Islamic Etiquette and Duas 1 3.0
Islamic Etiquette and Duaa’s is a series ofchildren’s Islamic books from Portrait Publishing. The seriesconsists of 2 books. The book teaches children etiquette theIslamic way and also has appropriate duaa’s for each occasion whichcan be recited.
PreSchool Book Shapes&Colours 1.0
Wonderful illustrations for Children on Shapes& Colours. Kids can easily learn through proper 2dillustrations. Nice ebook for children.
PreSchool Book - Vehicles 1.0
Wonderful illustrations for Children onVehicles. Kids can easily learn through proper 2d illustrations.Nice ebook for children.